Your Career Optimiser

How to Showcase Your Personality At A Job Interview

Handshake after a successful interview.

How to Showcase Your Personality at a Job Interview​ When it comes to job interviews, showcasing your personality can be just as important as your skills and experience. Employers want to know not just what you can do, but who you are and how you will fit in with the company culture. In this article, […]

Answering ‘Why Were You Let Go’: Strategies for Success in Your Interview

Face to face interview in the office

How to Respond to “Why Were You Let Go” in an Interview?​ Losing a job can be a difficult and emotional experience, especially when it comes time to explain the situation in a job interview. When asked “Why were you let go?” by a hiring manager, it can be tempting to feel like you’re being […]

How To Write an Email To Get an Informational Interview in 2023

Professional attending virtual workshop with Dave Crumby

What is an informational interview?​ An informational interview is an invaluable tool for ambitious professionals looking to progress their career. It involves talking to an individual who has experience in a specific field, such as a company, a profession, or a particular industry. The goal of the informational interview is to gain knowledge and insight […]

How do I answer behavioural questions in an interview?

Handshake following successful interview

What are bahavioural interview questions? The job interview process can be nerve-wracking for any candidate, but perhaps even more so for those who are asked behavioral interview questions. These types of questions are designed to assess a candidate’s qualifications, skills, and work style by asking them to describe specific examples of past behavior in order […]