Your Career Optimiser

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Optimise Your Career Opportunities

A career snapshot. The perfect tool to network with.

I support professionals in the UK, across Europe, North America, and The Middle East to optimise their career branding.  Countries include:

UK,  Switzerland, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, US, Canada, and UAE.



Numbers Speak for Themselves.  And for You.

Let numbers tell the story of your individual successes using our graphic resumé-like document, whether your most important number is one or one million. Hiring managers spend only seconds on each application, so getting noticed fast is critical. Numbers are a quick read. Career Coaches agree that the addition of a Career Snapshot© infographic to your resumé/CV and cover letter helps you stand out, get noticed, and get hired.

The Process is Easy:
1. Pick your Career Snapshot template and features
2. Place your order
3. Check your receipt for the Career Snapshot form link
4. Complete the form
5. Our art directors complete your first draft for your review
6. Review, revise and finish

My Commitment to Your Career

Easy to Contact

After our first appointment, you can contact me via email and phone. I am very responsive and get back to you quickly to answer any questions.

Accountability Partner

Your Career Optimiser is more than a service; it's a partnership dedicated to your career growth.

Your Source of Knowledge and Expertise

I provide expert guidance based on proven strategies. You'll benefit from insights and techniques that have helped professionals secure new roles and promotions in over 20 countries across 3 continents.

Commitment to Results

Your success is my success. I am committed to delivering results that make a real difference in your career.


I have helped professionals to get new jobs and secure promotions in over 20 countries across 3 continents. I know what your local recruiters and hiring managers are looking for.

Clear Pricing

Prices for my services are available here on the website. I provide all enquiries with the same pricing information before any decisions are made.

GDPR Compliant

Having worked with and processed talent-related data in the UK and across Europe for the past 10 years, I know privacy is key and ensure all of my processes are GDPR compliant.


The best way to understand yourself and your career, I need to see you face to face (virtually). That is why all meetings are done virtually via Zoom or Teams.

Client Feedback