Your Career Optimiser

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Who Are The Best UK CV Writers?

A collage of the best CV Writers in the UK

Meet the UK’s top CV writers, dedicated professionals who focus on presenting your skills and experiences in a way that resonates with potential employers.

Why Your CV is Getting Rejected: Here is What to Do

If you are applying for numerous jobs without success, it is highly likely that your CV needs to be examined. Your CV is the first impression that a potential employer will have of you, and a poorly crafted CV can quickly lead to rejection.

How to Address a Career Gap in Your CV: Tips and Examples

Dad working at home with baby

How to Address a Career Gap in Your CV: Tips and Examples Due to the increasing number of people who have had to take sabbaticals or leave their jobs because of Covid-19, the stigma around employment discontinuity has lessened. Employers are now met with open curiosity when they see a gap in a CV, rather […]

How to Write a CV That Gets You Noticed In 2023

Working on updating CV

7 Tips for Writing a CV That Gets You Noticed in 2023 Looking for a new job in 2023? To catch the attention of recruiters and hiring managers, it’s crucial to create a CV that stands out from the crowd. In this article, we’ll explore the top 2023 CV writing tips to help you craft […]

How Can You Make Your CV Stand Out and Get Noticed in 2023?

Career mind map

5 Resume Trends for 2023 to Boost Your Job Search​ If you are preparing to search for a new job in the New Year, you might be asking yourself, “Is my résumé good enough?” A lot has changed in the job market over the past several years, and I am happy to report that effective […]